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Line lighting projects

Would you like to know more about our working method? Then read our page about the project realisation.


At the Nissan Motor Parts Centre BV in Amsterdam, the group cabinets turned out to be overloaded. Veko offered a solution with lower power LED luminaires. As a result, the energy load and heat in the group cabinets have decreased significantly, while the quality of the lighting has visibly improved. The new lighting has resulted in 64% energy savings! In total, 7.5 kilometres of line lighting has been replaced and 2,200 semi-wide beam Veko LED luminaires have been installed.


Enhancing safety and energy savings were the driving forces behind the replcing of our line lighting. A comprehensive study of the most appropriate lighting followed, and ultimately resulted in a beautiful result: optimal lighting and significant savings on energy costs.

Bart Bartels, Warehouse Engineer, Nissan Motor Parts Center


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